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Stage Kern-Services

Core services

From maintenance and repair to customer training

The efficiency and performance of your logistics is of key importance. To allow you to devote your full attention to your business, we provide comprehensive maintenance and repair services for your truck fleet or your warehouse facilities.

Perhaps a full-service agreement is the perfect carefree package for you. Or maybe you require tailored maintenance and repair services for your truck fleet and warehouse facilities. The choice is yours. Over 4700 service engineers across the globe are ready to help when needed. Our primary objective is to avoid expensive breakdowns or downtimes. We offer everything from a single source.

Our core services also include intelligent energy management for batteries and chargers as well as a tyre and safety service. This is supplemented with essential intralogistics activities such as our hydraulic service, driver and safety training as well as a professional rack inspection service: Everything is geared towards your success and the consistent reliability of your logistics processes.

100 percent availability – 0 percent risk

We tailor our full-service offer to your needs and offer you complete safety with regard to your investment using fixed costs.

Action before reaction

Regular care and maintenance maximises the availability of your trucks. Our service offers reliability using individually planned maintenance intervals.

Safe and dependable

Our after-sales service helps you avoid costly repairs by planning appropriate oil changes with environmentally-friendly waste disposal

Ensuring compliance with all statutory tests

Of course we will guide you through the labyrinth of legalese and ensure the correct truck usage according to latest legal safety regulations.

Nobody knows the interaction of Jungheinrich fork lift trucks and tyres better than we do. 

We don’t like downtime

Minimise the downtime of your trucks: Our extensive service network and our expert technicians make this possible.

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