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Stage Gesundheit & Sicherheit

Health and safety

Ensuring the welfare of your drivers

Prevention plays a key role when it comes to raising warehouse safety levels. We offer a wide range of services – from driver training to a "SAFEwalk" with one of our experts.

In the German intralogistics sector, more than 12,000 reportable accidents involving industrial trucks equate to losses of millions of euros in operational downtime whilst also affecting the health of your employees. With Jungheinrich's prevention services, you can raise safety levels in your warehouse significantly. Driver training ensures perfect interaction between man and machine, even in the most difficult situations. We also offer a "SAFEwalk" with one of our experts, in which we identify and analyse potential hazards and use these findings as a means of improving operational safety.

Competent safety guidance

The growing complexity and dynamics within warehouse processes increase the daily risk potential in logistics environments. The Jungheinrich SAFEwalk helps you to improve the safety of your warehouse – so you can reduce costs and protect the resources of your company.

Safely moving forward

The safety of people in your warehouse is our number one priority. We offer numerous vehicle options that will provide optimum protection for your employees against collisions with vehicles and other accidents.

Your stored goods and their integrity are a crucial factor for the success of your company. Our various assistance systems provide optimum protection, while ensuring your productivity and delivery reliability. This lets you save time as well as costs.

Damaged warehouse equipment harbours risks for your employees, your vehicles and your stored goods. To enhance the protection of your warehouse and prevent costly damages, our experts ensure that any calculable risks are eliminated. With our products and services you are always on the safe side.

Preventing accidents and damages also plays an important part in protecting your machines. Our numerous assistance systems and services support you in keeping your warehouse operations safe.

To protect your valuable company data and information against loss and fraudulent use, we have a range of certified safety solutions on offer for you. Our highly qualified IT experts ensure that all products are tailor-made to meet the specific requirements of your business.

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