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Stage Verschieberegale

Mobile racking system

  • Optimum utilisation of space by reducing number of aisles
  • Compact storage system reduces energy and operational costs
  • Access to single location
  • Time and energy savings due to shorter travel routes
  • Can be flexibly extended

Mobile racking system

Aisles between rack units increase your space requirements. Mobile rack units are an effective solution and can achieve space savings of up to 90%. In this system, an aisle is opened by pushing apart the racks only where you need to gain access. The technology behind this: mobile racks that are mounted on electrically driven bases ("carriages"). Control is either centrally from the individual rack or via remote control. The space saved is of course available as additional storage space. This results in an extremely high utilisation of space. Simple operation ensures quick access to any item. Even larger trucks can be used without any problems, as only one aisle must ever be opened and therefore the size of the truck is not a critical factor in space loss. For use with pallet, modular and cantilever racking systems.


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